Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mpharm pub crawl

Here's the another year of October! joined our Mpharm pub crawl and it was Pirate-themed! there was around 300 students participated and four double-decker buses were fully seated by us! That was fun, busy taking photos as this is the last year of uni life. Only managed to get a Vodka mix in a club because it was too packed to get a drink in the few previous pubs.

Friday, October 18, 2013


lying on bed. thinking of you. I am very happy today! thank you! ;)

Thursday, October 17, 2013




Monday, October 14, 2013


他一定会找到你的。你要等。” 《小时代2》

“你能明白,只要一想起某个人,心就会绞着疼的那种感觉吗?” 《分手合约》

妈妈说一道彩虹是半圆,两道彩虹是团圆,等到有一天,天上有两道彩虹的时候,我就可以跟我爸爸团圆了 《新天生一对》

Thursday, October 10, 2013

right timing

timing is everything. don't you think it is the key of everything. if you have missed a timing to do something, you will not have the chance to return, you loss it forever. or when you want to do something, that might not be the right timing to do so and turned up to have an opposite outcome. if you catch the right timing at the right moment with the right person, it will give you the best result ever. what you need is patience. you may have to wait for the right timing to come. if you have caught it, it's not ended, but started. there are more things to be done to pull each other closer, not physically, but the both hearts. trust builds a strong relationship, full with secures and promises, no lies, no excuses and no broken promises. if he/she is important to you, he/she will find a way for you, instead of an excuse.  if he/she did, appreciate and cherish him/her. :) i appreciate i have had all of those, timing, moment, person. all have to be started with a right timing at right moment with right person. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

travel soon

i need motivation. motivation to carry on. i think i have to plan something great to keep me moving. all my loved ones in Malaysia, what shall I do. wake up, eat, online and sleep. it repeats everyday. i think travelling may help! there are too many places that i wished to go around. basically in the UK and Europe: Italy, France, Prague, Budapest, Athens, Germany, Spain, Portugal etc. shall pick few and just go. 

one of my wishes is to travel with my beloved in future! so the photo won't be that lonely. hehehe :)